15 Accounting Dissertation Topics Covering the Most Important Money Related Issues

15 Accounting Dissertation Topics Covering the Most Important Money Related Issues

The study of accounting is one every student who chooses this part truly enjoys for it provides them with insight into what makes economic entities—businesses, governmental agencies and corporations—tick. Therefore, for most accounting students writing a dissertation is usually an eye-opening task.

These ideas will cover the entire perimeter of your field. Therefore, expect to see ideas on investment, regulators, virtual software apps etc.

The Insightful Accounting Ideas

  1. A Look at the International Accounting Standards, the Contributing Factors and How a Dearth of African Contributors Could Hamper the Acceptance of a Global Accounting Practice
  2. An Analytical View of the History of Accounting and the Role of Mesopotamian and Roman Culture in Advancing Accounting Practices
  3. A Look into Accounting Frauds With a View to Recognizing What Drove the Biggest Frauds in History and Which Measures Can Be Put in Place to Predict and Stop Accounting Frauds From Occurring
  4. Analyzing a Green Accounting and Its Implementation in Western Countries: Financial Benefits and How They Affect Developing Nations
  5. An Analysis of Intellectual Capital, the Role it Plays in Advancing Businesses and How They Can Be Integrated into the Financial Books of Organizations
  6. A Comparative Study on the Roles and Effectiveness of Accounting Practices in Different Cultures: India And Saudi Arabia Case Studies
  7. An Analysis of the Current and Future Growth of a Corporate Organization Based on the Z Score Analysis.
  8. A Statistical Study on the Importance of Getting a Business Education for Owners of Startups with a Focus on How They Drive a Chance for Success
  9. An Analysis of the Value and Relevance of Adopting the International Financial Reporting Standards for 3rd World Countries
  10. A Comparison of the Different Methods in International Accounting Exhibited By Different Nations
  11. An Analysis of Non-profit Organizations, the Financial Laws Guiding Them and the Role of Accounting in Them
  12. A Critique of Credit Rating Industries and the Banking Sector’s Role in Driving a Recession
  13. An Analysis of the Options for Growth in Privately Issued Mortgage-backed Securities
  14. An Analysis of Customer Satisfaction in the Age of Online Transactions and the Use of Enterprise Relationship Management Platforms
  15. A Comparative Analysis of Accounting ERP Software Applications and How It Ensures the Ease of Doing Business

Choose one of these stellar ideas and start writing your dissertation. Make sure to show several options to your supervisor before conducting even a preliminary research.

15 Accounting Dissertation Topics Covering the Most Important Money Related Issues
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