15 Finance Dissertation Topics Covering All Major Economic Spheres

15 Finance Dissertation Topics Covering All Major Economic Spheres

The science of money management and the determination of economic risk is a popular area of study in most educational institutions across the globe. And most students interested in pursuing a career in finance generally take the bold step of going for a higher degree that validates their understanding of this subject matter.

The effort of pursuing a degree in finance comes with many responsibilities and it is fair to say that one of the important responsibilities is writing your final thesis. This is due to the fact that your thesis is basically a summary of everything you have learnt as a student. Here, we will discuss some ideas worth exploring when choosing your finance dissertation topic.

15 Excellent Ideas for Your Thesis

  1. A Review of Personal Finance Tools from the Tech Community and How Their Services Can Be Enhanced to Provide More Options on Mitigating Risk
  2. A Study on Tax Policies, Its Effect on the Rich and the Poor and How Governmental Agencies Can Create Policies to Even out the Negative Effects of Taxation
  3. The Effects of Credit Facilities Have on Personal Finance and How Individuals Can Be Taught to Avoid the Negative Effects
  4. A Study on How Startups Survive During Periods of Uncertainty With a View to Proffering Solutions
  5. A Study on the Rise of Digital Investment Applications and How They Have Led More Individuals to Participate in Making Investments Without Professional Assistance
  6. An Analysis of Inflation in 3rd World Countries and the Effects of Governmental Policies In Sustaining It
  7. Identify New Strategies Using Which Corporate Organizations Can Measure Risk against Investment Opportunities with a View to Maximizing Profits
  8. Analyzing the Role of Digitization in the Finance Industry and How it Intends to Revolutionize Personal and Corporate Finance For Entrepreneurs
  9. Analysis of the Issue of Public Debt and how It Affects Relations Between Countries Issuing and Holding Debt
  10. Analyzing the Capital Funding Issue Startups Face and How They Handle Budgeting to Minimize the Identified Problems
  11. A Case Study of the Economics in the Developing World with an Analysis of How Western Businesses Can Pursue a Successful Investment Policy in These Regions
  12. A Case Study Pitting the Percentage of Human Errors and Their Effects on Corporations Against the Errors Made by Predictive Tools
  13. Conduct Experimental Research on The Financial Sector of 3rd World Countries and Develop Solutions to Solve the Problems Unearthed by the Research
  14. An Analysis of the Psychology of Investors in the US With a View to Pinpointing the Important External Influences That Affect Decision Making
  15. Creation of A Psychology Model of a Customer and How it Affects Financial Decisions In Silicon Valley

Here we come to the end of today’s ideas for finding dissertation topics in finance and we hope they will help you come up with dissertation topics in finance for undergraduate and other courses.

15 Finance Dissertation Topics Covering All Major Economic Spheres
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