20 LLM Dissertation Topics Relevant for the XXI Century

LLM Dissertation Topics

Law is such a vast sphere. It encompasses so many smaller branches such as commercial law, tort law, EU law, constitutional law, and many others. Besides that, an LLM dissertation requires great care in locating and citing sources. You have to evaluate these sources carefully so they back up your thesis.

For all these reasons, composing a good LLM dissertation topic is challenging, to say the least. Moreover, quality LLM thesis topics must be specific, examining each topic deeply enough to form a strong foundation for a substantive paper.

To help you, here are 20 possible topics for your LLM dissertation. We’re sure you’ll find here something to your liking! Feel free to adapt one of these topics and make it your own.

  1. Is Freedom of Speech for the Press Truly in the Best Interest of the Public?
  2. Explore the Principle of Non-Refoulement as It Applies to the Recent Crisis in Syria
  3. Discuss the Changes in International Criminal Law in a Post 9/11 World
  4. Is It Possible or Ethical to Legally Protect Trade Secrets?
  5. Discuss How Societal Rules Regarding Land Tenure Affect the Availability of Housing in African Countries
  6. A Study of the Effects of Insider Trading Law as It Affects Corporate Governance Norms in China
  7. Are Anti-Bribery Laws Effective in Eliminating Corruption in an Economic System?
  8. What Are the Sexual and Reproductive Rights of Women in Africa?
  9. What Are the Pros and Cons of Instituting a “Bad Samaritan” Law?
  10. Which Economic Model Is Preferable, the “Building Block” System of the EU or the “Rule of Reason” Model in the US?
  11. Explore the Legal Implication of Employee Restructuring
  12. What Is the Legal Status of the Employment Rights of Agency Workers?
  13. Should Sex Offender Registries Be Made Public?
  14. What Are Some of the Implications of Proposed Homicide Reform?
  15. How Legal Binding Human Rights Treaties Are
  16. Is It Possible to Fully Enforce the Digital Economy Act?
  17. What Is an Appropriate Burden of Proof for Complainants in the Criminal Justice System?
  18. Analyze the Principles of Offender Profiling and Its Legal Implications
  19. Analyze “Certainty of Intention” Language as It Relates to Trusts
  20. What Are the Challenges in Identifying the True Scope of a Crime?

The 21st century has brought all kinds of new concerns to the legal field. To make your dissertation more relevant and engaging, you want to incorporate some of the hot issues in today’s legal landscape.

Coming up with a perfect LLM dissertation topic can feel like a lot of pressure, but there’s no need to feel intimidated. These suggested topics will put you well on your way to crafting a brilliant dissertation which will not only build your own knowledge but also enlighten your readers as to the trends and issues that impact the 21st-century legal world.

20 LLM Dissertation Topics Relevant for the XXI Century
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